As the world considers what 5G will mean for privacy, low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite Internet continues to gain momentum and quietly fly under the radar from a privacy perspective.
It is expected that some carriers will soon launch up to 42,000 satellites.1 With that, it is necessary to consider what will be the privacy and security considerations with the next generation of satellite technology.
For people in major cities, high-speed Internet is pervasive, and the promise of 5G will only enhance that. However, historically, people in remote areas have struggled with standard satellite Internet that has continually performed poorly.
The speed delivered by early generations of satellite Internet was limited due to how far away satellites were from earth, which was often thousands of miles. This inevitably created a long trip time back to earth and latency that would lead to hundreds of milliseconds.
Recently, several organizations are working to roll out LEO Internet that will deliver speeds similar to digital subscriber lines (DSL) to every corner of the earth, delivering high bandwidth and low latency. From smart car innovation2 to Internet of Things (IoT) technology in remote areas, LEO satellites offer high potential for the future.
The high bandwidth of LEO satellite Internet is achieved by launching satellites within hundreds of miles from earth, significantly reducing latency.3
It is necessary to consider what will be the privacy and security considerations with the next generation of satellite technology.
LEO satellites operate in a constellation, which is where traffic is routed between satellites. This is a major step forward compared to early generations of the technology where satellites were stand alone. Because the Earth is always rotating, the satellites move at high speed to maintain their position in the constellation.
What Does This Mean for Privacy?
From the perspective of privacy, there are a range of considerations: Will satellites be used to track users? What privacy legislation will apply when the traffic is in space? How vulnerable to compromise are satellites?
There is no doubt that data are the world’s newest natural resources and mining data for either direct use or sale has become a lucrative business. Because LEO satellites will provide new levels of location accuracy, it is likely that some organizations may attempt to monetise it.
Advanced persistent threats (APTs) and nation-states will look to gain an advantage from this new infrastructure.
As with all new telecommunications technology, the industry will look to carriers to provide guidance and assurance around how issues will be handled. Furthermore, governments may need to provide governance around use and issues related to light pollution from space and junk from faulty equipment. This may not be simple given the complex supply chain to build satellites and the multiple parties involved in their management.
As seen with 5G, there are geo-political issues regarding where hardware is manufactured based on concern that governments may use telecommunications infrastructure for surveillance purposes.4 It can be expected that the same issues will occur with LEO satellite Internet.
With a lack of regulations around satellite Internet, cybercriminals will likely target LEO telecommunications infrastructure. Because satellites have a complex supply chain, it will be a challenge to ensure that vulnerabilities are not exploited.
The lack of encryption being employed in telecommunications backbone infrastructure was an issue with the first generation of satellite technology, which may also be a consideration in the future.
Ultimately, regulations will be required around the manufacturing and use of LEO satellites including the development of frameworks that will provide guidance and assurance to those supplying and using the service.
The promise of high-speed Internet to all communities on a global basis will provide a level of connectedness that the world has not seen before. Governments and consumers will expect telecommunications providers to uphold the privacy policies and principles seen on the ground reflected in space. LEO satellite service providers will need to be transparent around the collection, use and disposal of such information. It is likely that the battleground of cyberspace will move from the ground into space, and providers must be ready for the inevitable attacks from nation-states and APTs alike.
1 Henry, C.; “Starlink Passes 400 Satellites With Seventh Dedicated Launch,” SpaceNews, 12 April 2020
2 O’Kane, S.; “China’s Largest Private Automaker Is Building a Satellite Network Now, Too,” The Verge, 2 March 2020
3 Ritchie, G.; “Why Low-Earth Orbit Satellites Are the New Space Race,” The Washington Post, 10 July 2020
4 K. Rzeczy, “America’s War on Hauwei Nears Its Endgame,” The Economist, 16 July 2020
Neil Lappage
Is a partner for LeadingEdgeCyber and an advisor to the ISACA® Emerging Technology Advisory Group (ETAG).