The IT industry is changing at a rapid pace, and gone are the days when administrators managed just a handful of servers. In today’s rapid deployments, system administrators are required to handle tens of hundreds of servers that are spun up or destroyed, as demand dictates. The industry is increasingly dealing with this trend with a handful of technologies that automate many tasks that were done by hand in the past, including the creation of virtual machines, containers, configuration of operating systems, networking parameters, audit setting, and installation of applications or features. Tools such as Chef, Ansible and Puppet manage the configuration of servers, and others such as Kubernetes and Docker can be used to perform lightweight virtualization and application isolation, while Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure cloud services give rise to fast and massive infrastructure with little capital expenditure for applications.
Linux and UNIX have long been prime examples of systems that supported these orchestration and automatization tools, given that most of their configuration was already performed either through small shell-based scripts or configuration files. But, a few years ago, even Microsoft saw the writing on the wall and began pushing technologies such as PowerShell and Desired State Configuration (DSC) to fill the gap.
Some auditors still rely on old and outdated scripts to harvest information and tables that have to be analyzed one by one in search of issues when they should perhaps be embracing those same orchestration and automation tools to help save time analyzing systems.
Enter PowerShell
PowerShell is a shell programming language and an automation tool. It is now on version 6.0 and has been open-sourced.1 It also has versions for most major operating systems such as Linux, Windows and macOS and has gained many modules to administer other Microsoft technologies such as Active Directory, Structured Query Language (SQL) Servers, SharePoint and Skype for Business, to name a few.
Even as a shell, PowerShell is a bit odd for those familiar with KornShell (ksh) or Bash instead of this object-based language. If one is not a programmer outside of being an auditor, these terms may be unfamiliar, but they are not very difficult to understand.
Explaining PowerShell is easier through examples. Figure 1 is an example that shows how to create a variable that contains some text.
Variables or “objects” in which one can store things for later use start with a $ sign and, in this case, the variable is called a and has some text in it. Objects are just things that have abilities (methods) and properties. Objects are of a certain type that define their properties and methods. A real-life example of an object would be a car; a property of the car would be its color (e.g., yellow) and it would have a method called “honk,” which would honk the horn. For a PowerShell example, assume text is desired in uppercase.
The ToUpper method shown in figure 2 exists because the variable a is of a given type or class; in this case, it is a string.
Creating variables is not the only thing that can be done with PowerShell, of course. There is the usual redirection with the > character and, as in UNIX, there is the cat command. Length is also a property of a string variable. For those who are not familiar with UNIX, cat is used to output the contents of a file to the screen. Also, the redirection operand is used to redirect the output of a given command to a file. An example can be seen in figure 3.
PowerShell also has another great feature, the pipe (see figure 4), which also works much as it does in UNIX.
ls, as in UNIX, lists files where the pipeline, the | character, passes objects one by one to the next command, which, in this case, is called where, and it is used to filter what is in the pipeline. What -match does should be obvious here. There are also -eq, -ne, -lt, -gt and many others2 in addition to mean, equal, not equal, less than and greater than.
Objects can also be grouped in variables and there is also a function to go through them one by one.
Figure 5 introduces the if control structure and blocks of code using the curly braces. There is much more to be discovered about structures, and readers are encouraged to investigate further on their own. Modules and extensions to the core PowerShell commands to perform other advanced operations such as managing databases, mail servers and domain controllers can be installed using install-module, as can be seen in figure 6.
In the case of the sqlserver module, it includes about 93 commands related to the database, which can be used to create, modify or delete instances, databases, database users, store procedures, and change and show configurations.
In figure 7, here using Windows 2012 R2, the example uses get-sqlinstance to get all the instances running in the server, and later a pipeline is used to get all the databases in all the instances. This is a newly installed test server, so there is very little here.
On to DSC
DSC is the configuration management feature of PowerShell. Its main purpose is pushing settings to a set of servers. It is like a more extreme version of Group Policies, a Microsoft Windows technology used to manage configuration parameters on groups of servers and client computers that are part of a network.
To use DSC, a DSC configuration has to be written, and it relies on DSC resources. DSC configurations are PowerShell scripts written in a declarative language specifying how a given thing should be configured. The specific thing is relying on a DSC resource. Perhaps it is easier to again start with an example (figure 8) and build from there.
This little script uses two resources that are part of the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module. These are the service and user resources. This is, of course, a toy of an example that will ensure the Windows Update service is running and the user imarambiocatan exists. To use it, first compile it into a Managed Object Format (MOF)3 file, which is accomplished by running the example file. A test of the configuration using the test-dscconfiguration function is shown in figure 9.
From the output, it can be deduced that the imarambiocatan user does not exist in this server, but the Windows Update service is actually running. The exact same script can be used to fix the issues. But to illustrate how DSC works, in figure 10, the Windows update service is first stopped, and then DSC is used to fix the configuration of the system.
There are many available DSC resources by Microsoft and by others, and the things that can be done using DSC are endless, things that are as simple as starting a service or as complex as configuring an application with a database and a farm of distributed web servers. The DSC demo presented only explores so much, but an administrator can also configure servers to fetch these MOF files from a centralized location, configure themselves accordingly and report their own status.4 The tools surrounding DSC are new and evolving in such a way that users can stumble into some issues with items such as the SQL Server DSC5 resources and submit the relevant bug reports along the way. Other tools such as DSC Environment Analyzer (DSCEA)6 can be used to generate Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) reports that span many hundreds of servers with very little help from the IT staff while also deploying the DSC resources needed by the servers to complete the tests.
Auditors should be able to leverage these tools to automate most of what today represents a sizeable time commitment on some of the IT-related engagements, and for once, sharing their scripts might make the life of administrators a lot easier in the future because they might be able to convert them into tools to automate the configuration of their own servers, resulting in a more secure environment. Furthermore, as more and more companies adopt development operations (DevOps), i.e., the practice that unifies operations and development to shorten the time between releases, making them more predictable and aligned to business objectives, automation will be key to their success. It is by understanding the tools that are being used for this automation that auditors will be able to effectively ask the right questions when it comes to auditing the processes in which they are involved.
1 Snover, J.; “PowerShell Is Open Sourced and Is Available on Linux,” Microsoft Azure Blog, 18 August 2016,
2 Microsoft, “About Comparison Operators,” 8 June 2017,
3 Distributed Management Task Force, “Managed Object Format,” 13 December 2012,
4 Microsoft, “Azure Automation State Configuration Overview,” 7 August 2018,
5 Github, PowerShell/SqlServerDsc,”
6 Microsoft, “DSCEA - DSC Environment Analayzer,”
Ignacio Marambio Catán, CISA, CRISC, CEH, CISSP, Security+
Has been an IT consultant for half of his professional career, after which he performed security operations, where the main objective was compliance. He also held audit-related positions with a focus on risk measurements. It was during his time performing security operations that he became a believer in automation, which later was used while auditing systems. Lately, Catán has been reading about machine learning and completed a Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science. In 2016, Catán was awarded the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Geographic Excellence Award.